“Street.ee Season Opening 2021”

The biggest hobbie cars meet up and showcase event in Estonia!

Car club TRF44 and Street.ee  bring you the biggest yearly car culture event
Street.ee Hooaja Avamine 2021″ in Tartu on 22rd of May.

It brings everybody with the passion of engines to Raadi Airfield’s and Estonian Native Museum’s area. A day full of exciting things, rumbling engines, awesome people and of course, interesting cars.

This event brings together people in the world of automotive industry, tuners, fans and companies too.

Street.ee season opening is the right place to present your car club, let your beautiful car shine or demonstrate your car related products.

The event, which is happening for the 5th time this year has prog ressively doubled each year in terms of project cars, companies/clubs/unions and as well with visitors.

Last year over 500 cars attended from seven countries. Tens of companies and car clubs brought joy to visitors.

Day was packed with activities car rating, finding the lowest car and ending it all with a big off road show over the slopes of Raadi airfield. For the upcoming year we are awaiting visitors from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and even further.



Street.ee Hooaja avamine 2019

Street.ee Hooaja avamine 2018

Lõuna-Eesti Streetrace Hooaja Avamine 2017

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